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The Consequences a Power SurgeThe Consequences of a Power Surge

The Consequences of a Power SurgeThe Consequences of a Power Surge

The Consequences a Power SurgeThe Consequences of a Power Surge

A home is made up of many different systems, each one essential to its functioning. The complexity of modern homes can easily lead to occasional malfunctions, and as a homeowner, your duty is to always be prepared. 

To know how to prevent a disaster, you must first understand its origin. Power surges are one of the most common issues when it comes to your home’s electrical system. They have different sources, all with varying intensities, and each one results in some kind of damage to your home or belongings. This is why getting insurance for power surge damage claims is one of the first things to take care of before moving into a new home.

The following are some of the most prominent examples of surge damage in your home. Knowing about these consequences of power surges may help you become more prepared in case one occurs so that your valuables are safe against this potentially deadly disaster. 

Damaged Appliances

As a homeowner, you equip your home with the best. Every electronic you own can be seen as an investment that helps you save money in the long run and a power surge can put these assets at risk. A surge is a sudden spike in the current flowing into your home. This puts any appliances in your home that are connected at the time at risk of being damaged.

While an easy solution is to disconnect your major electronics when a surge hits, this isn’t always the most practical option. Surges usually last for only a few seconds, which isn’t nearly enough time for you to go around your home unplugging your gadgets. Your entire home becomes vulnerable for these few seconds and your best bet is either to shut off your home’s main power supply or to get whole-home surge protection so that you’re always prepared for the worst-case scenario. 


A fire is, of course, something that puts your entire home at risk. You could lose your property due to a fire started by the tiniest spark in your home – this is why a lot of states in the US require homes to have smoke detectors installed by law. A fire can easily start with an intense power surge. Lightning striking a tree near your home, your extension being overloaded, or an appliance in your home malfunctioning due to excess current can easily result in a fire that may spread quickly around your home.

The outlets in your home are supposed to give out a certain amount of voltage, and when that limit is exceeded, the results can be disastrous. The best way to prevent fire damage due to a surge is to inspect your home after the surge has passed, even if there’s no obvious damage. Usually, you’ll be able to smell smoke coming from one of your appliances or hear a buzzing sound from an outlet which indicates that there’s a problem in the system. 

Financial Blow 

Like any other home-related disaster, a power surge can result in you losing a lot of money in repair costs. Oftentimes, a surge damages your electronics so badly that you may have to replace some of your gadgets entirely. This can be quite a hassle to deal with, especially if you’re a new homeowner, on a tight budget, or have newly purchased smart gadgets that you invested a lot of money in. For homes that experience surges frequently, it may be a good idea to set a budget for home repairs in advance and save up. 

Insurance is also a must-have to keep you from having to spend a fortune if your home is hit by a particularly bad surge. Although, it’s important to remember that insurance often does not cover surge damages due to negligence, indirect strikes, or maintenance issues.

Damaged Electrical System

Every system in your home requires occasional maintenance and inspection. Since the electrical system plays such a huge role in your home’s well-being, its inspection should definitely be prioritized. Usually, a power surge can result from something as simple as faulty wiring. Once a surge occurs, your electrical system may be further damaged until it becomes a hazard to everyone living in the building.

Having your home’s wiring inspected from time to time is a good way to minimize damages such as future power surges. This can be particularly important if you have children or pets in your home since a damaged system can easily lead to accidents such as electrocution if not handled with the utmost care. Getting surge protectors would also add an extra layer of security to this system in your home. 

Ensuring Indoor Security

Electrical disasters are some of the most common in any home. Protecting your home against a power surge may put your mind at ease since it can result in damage to both life and property.

Power surge damage is nothing to be taken lightly. It poses a grave threat to your home and can result in many long-term disadvantages. A power surge can lower your home’s value and cause a lot of discomfort due to the instability of your electrical system, which is one of the most used utilities in any home.

Your daily chores can become very difficult to accomplish with an uncooperative electrical connection, which can be avoided by taking just a few simple precautions against power surges. The previously mentioned consequences may give you a better idea of how to protect your home against power surges under specific circumstances. 

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The Consequences a Power SurgeThe Consequences of a Power Surge