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How do you pick an appropriate inverter battery for your house?

How do you pick an appropriate inverter battery for your house?

How do you pick an appropriate inverter battery for your house?

Summer peak is quickly approaching, and if you’re anything like me, summers may be associated with power outages in your neighborhood. Power outages in some places can last between 15 and 30 minutes, which is a rather brief event. However, daily power outages of several hours will occur in some places. These conditions, as well as the fact that fans and inductions don’t operate during power outages, can be problematic if you study or work from home. Purchase an inverter battery for your home as the sole viable option. Sadly, even if purchasing an inverter has never been simpler thanks to eCommerce and doorstep delivery, selecting one can still be a little difficult for some people. 

Are you going to replace your current inverter with a new one or update it? Regardless of the cause, it is crucial to know which inverter is best for your house. Your home’s electricity needs may differ from those of your neighbor. Therefore, avoid installing the same inverter (in terms of power) in your home out of sheer ignorance. Do some research and become familiar with the fundamentals before purchasing an inverter for your home. Finally, we’ll suggest a few safe and dependable batteries from reputable Loom Solar sellers.

First, determine your power needs.

One of the most important things to consider when buying an inverter is your “Power requirement.” Simply said, what electrical devices (such as fans, tube lights, televisions, CFLs, etc.) By summing the power consumed by every piece of electrical equipment, the required power is determined. Consider that you need one television, three fans, three tube lights, one CFL, and one to operate in case of power loss. Here is a list of the objects that utilize power:

One 70-watt fan

One 60-watt tube light

25 watts per CFL

120 watts for 1 television

As a result, your overall power needs are (3*70 + 3*60 + 25 + 120) = 535 watts.

Find the required inverter’s VA rating.

 It is the voltage and current that the inverter supplies to the machinery. The power used by electrical devices and the power provided by the inverter is equal if the inverter functions at 100% efficiency. But we all understand that perfect or ideal circumstances don’t exist in reality. The efficiency range for most inverters is between 60% and 80%. The power required by the appliances to the power supplied by the inverter is what is known as efficiency, or the power factor of an inverter. The majority of inverters have a power factor between 0.6 and 0.8. Hence Power supplied (or inverter VA rating) equals Power need (watts of power consumed by the equipment) / Power factor (efficiency).

Here, 0.7 is used as the average power factor or efficiency number. 535 divided by 0.7 yields 765 VA for the inverter. On the market exist inverters with an 800 VA output. An inverter with 800 VA will thus be the ideal choice for your house.

Identify the battery that your inverter needs.

An inverter system’s battery serves as its base. The quality of the battery has a significant impact on the lifespan and performance of an inverter. The second crucial consideration is how much backup an inverter will provide. The battery capacity matches the description. The battery capacity determines the number of backup hours. It’s spoken in Ah (Ampere Hours). Batteries of 100 Ah, 150 Ah, 180 Ah, and other capacities are widely available on the market. So how do you pick the right one? To find this, let’s run a reverse calculation. Consider that you need a backup battery that can last for three hours. How do you pick an appropriate inverter battery for your house?

Battery capacity = required power (in watts) * Battery voltage / Back-up hours (in hours) (in volts) Battery Capacity is equal to (535 * 3)/12 or 133 Ah. The battery voltage is presumed to be 12V. Consequently, a battery with a 130 Ah capacity will work for you.

So, you would need an 800VA inverter and a 130 Ah battery if you wanted to run 3 fans, 3 tube lights, 1 CFL, and 1 TV for 3 hours during a power outage. Understanding this straightforward formula will not only protect you from the false information provided by inverter dealers but will also assist you in making the right choice.

Battery Warranty

A battery guarantee refers to the free replacement of the battery in the event of damage within the given time frame, whereas a warranty refers to the time frame during which free repair is provided. Consider an inverter battery with a two-year guarantee and a three-year warranty. If the battery is damaged, it will be replaced in two years and will be free of charge for repairs for three years. The phrase “guarantee” may be used by some manufacturers to refer to “warranty replacement.”


Always verify compatibility with battery inverters. Total power times backup hours, multiplied by voltage, is the formula for the ideal battery capacity. The total amount of power used is closely related to the inverter VA. If your inverter is 150 VA and you require a backup for two hours, purchasing a 25 Ah battery is all you need; nevertheless, doing so would be a waste of money. Additionally, only a few inverters can support both low and high battery capacities. Finding “inverter compatibility” is therefore the recommended course of action. It is usually a good idea to choose inverter and battery combos if you are purchasing an inverter for the first time as well.


As power requirements increase, so do the solutions, such as high-frequency inverters or string inverters, which are adaptable and can produce stable results under challenging circumstances. These high-frequency inverters work equally well with lithium ion and lead acid batteries and have extraordinary potential. Additionally, high-frequency inverters are lightweight and can be mounted on walls. But perhaps most importantly, they are Internet of Things (IoT) based, which makes them intelligent and effective. The best applications for these high-frequency inverters are large to extremely large solutions, such as larger residences or commercial buildings.

Loom Solar is the best inverter battery shop, providing a full spectrum of inverters from 50W to 100KW to ensure that the highest quality inverter solution reaches every last customer.

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How do you pick an appropriate inverter battery for your house?