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Admiralty Sailing Directions NP70 West Indies Pilot, Vol 1

Admiralty Sailing Directions

Admiralty Sailing Directions NP70 West Indies Pilot, Vol 1

Bermuda, Bahamas, Turks and Caicos Islands, Florida Strait and Cays, Hispaniola, Cuba, Jamaica and Cayman Islands

West Indies Pilot Vol. I (NP 70) in the British Admiralty Sailing Directions series. It covers the West Indies, comprising Bermuda, Bahamas, Turks, and Caicos Islands, Florida Strait and Cays, Hispaniola, Cuba, Jamaica, and the Cayman Islands.

About Admiralty Sailing Directions (ASD)

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ADMIRALTY Sailing Directions (Pilots) provide essential information to support port entry and coastal navigation for all classes of ships at sea. Split across 76 volumes, coverage includes the world’s main commercial shipping routes and ports. ​​​

Each volume of Sailing Directions offers:​​

  • Information on navigational hazards, buoyage, pilotage, regulations, general notes on countries​, port facilities, seasonal currents, ice, and climatic conditions. This information, when used alongside official ADMIRALTY charts, can help to increase situational awareness on the bridge.​​​
  • High-quality diagrams and photography to help bridge-crews understand critical information during the passage planning stage.
  • Worldwide official coverage to support safe and compliant navigation within main commercial shipping routes and ports. This coverage is split across 76 volumes for purchase flexibility.

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Admiralty Sailing Directions NP70 West Indies Pilot
Admiralty Sailing Directions

Often referred to as Pilots, Sailing Directions are designed for use by the merchant mariner on all classes of ocean-going vessels with essential information on all aspects of navigation. Sailing Directions are complementary to Admiralty Standard Nautical Charts and provide worldwide coverage in 74 volumes.

Each publication contains quality color photography and views, as well as information on navigational hazards, buoyage, meteorological data, details of pilotage, regulations, port facilities, and guides to major port entry.

New Editions of Admiralty Sailing Directions are published on a regular basis. Navigationally significant information for these publications is issued via the Admiralty Notices to Mariner’s weekly bulletin (Section IV).


Publication Details

  • Number NP70
  • Title West Indies Pilot Vol 1
  • Sub Title n/a
  • Type Sailing Directions (Pilots)
  • SubType
  • Edition No 8
  • The pub Year 2021

ADMIRALTY Sailing Directions (Pilots) provide essential information to support port entry and coastal navigation for all classes of ships at sea. Split across 76 volumes, coverage includes the world’s main commercial shipping routes and ports.

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Each volume of Sailing Directions offers:

  • Information on navigational hazards, buoyage, pilotage, regulations, general notes on countries, port facilities, seasonal currents, ice, and climatic conditions. This information, when used alongside official ADMIRALTY charts, can help to increase situational awareness on the bridge.
  • High-quality diagrams and photography to help bridge-crews understand critical information during the passage planning stage.
  • Worldwide official coverage to support safe and compliant navigation within main commercial shipping routes and ports. This coverage is split across 76 volumes for purchase flexibility.

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