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How Does Tinder Work: A Beginner’s Guide

How Does Tinder Work

How Does Tinder Work: A Beginner’s Guide

Tinder is an online dating app that matches couples based on their physical attraction to one another. It alerts you to other Tinder users who fall within a specified age range and gender and are within a certain distance of your location, and it lets you know whether you have any mutual friends.

Tinder is an application that achieves the role of Eros on digital platforms. Think that, how do you find a person to go out with?

You can move somewhere and you can increase your chances, so if you are a popular person you can increase your chance of meeting. But Tinder destroys all these traditional forms and offers you a new form of dating.

Tinder is the most effective online dating application and deserves this title. When you open the application, go to the settings and specify its parameters.

The discovery configuration is here:

  • Show me on Discovery: this specialty should be open all the time to meet new people
  • Location: This specifies your current location, but you can swipe anywhere with a premium account.
  • Distance: specify the interval you want to meet people, must be less than 100 km to get better results
  • Gender: choose your sexual preference
  • Age Range: Choose the age you are looking for. Don’t forget, you will see people who determined their age to meet

The graph below tells us about Tinder’s steps and this is the description of psychology and algorithms and science. After this step, 3 criteria come together for your great experience.

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How Does Tinder Work

I have seen many comparison articles with Tinder, but I want to remember that Tinder opened a new page for online dating and will receive different updates from others.

Then, the applications win that they do things differently from those of others around the world.

Here are a couple of ways:

  1. Create a fake Facebook profile with a fake name and age.
  2. Create a fake Tinder profile with said fake name and age.
  3. Use pictures that don’t show your entire face.
  4. Use pictures that are not posted anywhere else (e.g. your real Facebook account, your messaging apps, etc.)

How Does Tinder Work: A Beginner’s Guide

Here is my personal experience with tinder in 2018 hope you guys like it.

I am a 31-year-old, Height 5’8″, an average looking guy with a decent job in a multinational design firm and I like to believe that I have a good taste in music and movies.

I like to read (not Chetan Bhagat, Murakami fan here) and I have quite a good sense of humor as I have been told.

Friends, I dress decently well.

After swiping on Tinder for months I got around 6 matches. Nice women but all looking for a soul mate, unlike the common perception that Tinder is a Hook-up app.

I didn’t connect with most of them on the basis of hobbies and preferences, so conversations died after one or two chats.

Exchanged numbers with one girl though and she seems fun, might meet her soon.

That got me little amused and I thought I’ll figure out if Tinder isn’t what people in India or elsewhere generally think of.

Hence, I created a fake profile with pictures of a 6 ft.guy with a handsome face, nothing in Bio and on day 1 of swiping in Delhi, it got me 12 matches. I swiped only women who were hot and between 27-35 years of age.

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Out of these 12 women, 3 agreed to meet only to have sex right on the first date and gladly exchanged numbers.

One even agreed to have a threesome when I told her that one of my friends is also interested in her.

So, I guess Tinder works fine in India if you’re HOT and 6 ft. tall and are interested in hook-ups.

I´ve found out that I´ve completely lost my mind when the flaming logo of the Hottest Dating App was installed and then uninstalled for about 456789 times on my phone.

Yes, this might sound a little weird, but I guarantee you that if you start using it, you also won’t be able to put your hands off of it.

Like many other users, after listening to the non-stopping stories of my friends about it, I´ve joined the herd and started using the so-called sex-app.

I had hope though, that it won´t be that bad,… that there might be some kind of hidden romance, waiting to be found out there. And I was ready for research!

I have started with the pure curiosity of a child…

Sweeping right or left for like or dislike was making me feel very powerful.

I was the master of the situation, I could declare my wishes, not like in the disco, where all kinds of creeps come to you and the ones that you actually like seem to be staying miles away from you.

After a while, I became a mad person…

The more you use it, the more you realize that everybody, literally EVERYBODY is there!

From the desperate boys, living with their parents, to the bored investment bankers, hoping for an easy quickie, hipsters, musicians, tourists, romantic nerds, adventurers, playboys, fitness maniacs everybody was consuming the media content and each other.

And also some girls stereotypes – the Barbie, the ugly, the damned, the materialist.

Nymphomaniacs, bored people, App Testers, you could see that the dating world was a BIG VARIOUS box of chocolates and with Tinder, you had the chance to eat whatever and whenever you want! Right away! Who could resist????

In the beginning, I thought I was above all – after all… I was just testing it. You know what… no one is above the others out there.

Everybody is interested and with the potential to become an App-addict. So now let me share my results with you:

What I found out:

How Does Tinder Work
How Does Tinder Work

The users can be separated into four categories:

1- the bored, 2-the lonely, and 3- the ones searching for a rebound after a painfully ended relationship, (ant btw they will not hesitate to tell you that they are about to wash out their bad memories with you), and 4 – are all the rest, most people with special issues or desires.

Most of them are very honest – really I´ve asked questions about what they are doing there, who are they and what they want – All I got were clear, fast, direct answers… sometimes even direct and uncomfortable questions in reverse.

There are many tourists, who are not there for sex only… it even makes sense, if you´re in a new town only for the weekend, you just want company.
 … but who wouldn´t refuse it? – yeah well, I´m not gonna lie to you: everybody has this in mind.

Maybe there is one thing they will not tell you the truth about – for how long they´ve been on Tinder. Just so you know, out there – everybody’s new.

They ALL want to meet you. – Even not only one time, some people really are looking for more closeness. You should REALLY mess things up if someone doesn´t want to see you again.

Eventually, I got tired

As an average frantic Tinder user: in 6 days I´ve spent around 8h online, got 52 Matches 1/3 of them wrote to me first, I´ve responded to 20.

To 4 I gave my phone number and eventually went out with only one of them. And if somebody´s interested – no, I DID NOT make a casting to collect the most interesting ones.

After all, I just needed digital detox.

I just have to say it: even Carrie Bradshaw would forget all about romance after a day on Tinder.

Since your next 52 ideal partners live about 3 or 6 km away from you and this contingent permanently changes, who would settle down for the first Match? Or for only one Match?

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How Does Tinder Work

This exaggerated number of opportunities makes us feel helpless and unable to resist the temptation.

I honestly don´t know when did we ALL became too good for ONLY one special person, and started craving for a gang of digital admirers, so we could feel desired and appreciated? And, not to forget: I didn´t really find anything valuable on Tinder.

So, dear young and not so young boys and girls, I am sorry for being unable to make a great story out of this.

I guess the lesson I´m trying to teach you is that you should look for your prince/princess in the real, analog world …because everything else is just a fairy-tale fantasy, in which not even the children believe anymore.

How Does Tinder Work

With 99% certainty, the rule is: You can see everybody within your set range, regardless of whether you are within theirs. If you swipe right on them and you aren’t within their range, they will never see your profile, unless they change their location, or settings later on. Or, unless you super like them.

Instead of just swiping right to quietly like someone — which they’ll only discover if they also swipe right on you — you swipe up to loudly like someone. When they see your profile, it will have a big blue star on it so they know you already like them and that if they swipe right, you’ll immediately match.

Yes Tinder does. Not only that, tinder shows you profile of people : Who were a match before but were unmatched. You have already left swiped i.e more than once even when you have left swiped them.

Absolutely. Tinder was designed to be a free app. Over the last couple of years, they’ve added additional features and privileges that you have to pay for if you want to use them. Those features can make using Tinder a little easier, but there is no reason that you couldn’t meet someone on the app without paying.

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