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Benefits of Choosing Organic Baby Formula for Your Little One

The Benefits of Choosing Organic Baby Formula for Your Little One

The Benefits of Choosing Organic Baby Formula for Your Little One 

Pediatricians often recommend parents buy organic baby formula but seldom explain the reason. This article briefly describes organic baby formula and its advantages over other baby foods.

What Goods Are Organic?

Organic means natural or, in other words, without human-made ingredients. Such goods don’t contain pesticides, chemicals, steroids, hormones, or genetically modified organisms. They don’t hurt the organism and never generate radiation like some artificial products may do. 

Speaking about the condition for growing organic products, farmers have to keep to the following standards to offer their primary goods to food companies:

  • the used soil and water must be of high quality
  • the environment mustn’t be polluted by chemicals and pesticides
  • fertilizers must be natural
  • animals mustn’t be treated with antibiotics
  • farmers should encourage instinctive animal behavior
  • they should provide the environment with self-sustaining resource cycles

Consequently, not all farms and countries can produce organic raw materials to meet the highest standards of the EFSA and the FDA.

How to Differentiate Between the Organic and Non-organic Baby Formula?

Newborns are too vulnerable to artificial things because they got used to a mother’s womb where synthetical and harmful things were absent. Consequently, their organisms can negatively react to artificial ingredients in baby formula. The most common adverse effects are:

  • allergy (swelling of the face and limbs, rash, skin redness)
  • digestion problems (constipation, diarrhea)
  • belly pain and bloating
  • complete intolerance (vomiting and severe intoxication)

How to differentiate between natural and non-organic baby formula? The easiest way is to read the list of ingredients. A 100% organic baby formula has a similar list of ingredients:

  • powdered  skimmed or full-fat cow or goat milk
  • minerals 
  • vitamins
  • organic oils (usually sunflower, rapeseed, fish, and vegetable)
  • organic lactose

The organic baby formula doesn’t contain GMOs, pesticides, artificial stabilizers, non-organic sweeteners, thickeners, and other unnatural ingredients. 

Moreover, the pack of organic baby formula must have the corresponding labeling. For example, European baby formula manufacturers must use only allowed substances and make baby food safely without ionizing radiation, genetic engineering, and sewage sludge. More than 95% of their ingredients are certified as organic.

Another advantage of organic baby formula is its nutritional value. European brands that produce organic formulas use the standards and requirements of health experts. Health advisors have measured the required amount of iron, fats, carbs, proteins, and other vitamins and minerals for babies of different ages. That’s why European brands make food for different age groups, labeled as 0-12+ or 1-3 stages. The older a child is, the higher the nutritional value is.

How do Infants Benefit from Eating Organic Baby Formula?

Preferring organic baby formula to its conventional alternatives means supplying a baby with all the required nutrients without side effects. Organic food has maximum vitamins, minerals, and the right proportions of fats, carbs, and proteins. They lack fast carbs and unhealthy fats that result in diabetes 2, obesity, indigestion, and cardiovascular diseases. 

Another advantage of organic baby formula is that it is usually explicitly developed for some concrete age and health conditions. Parents typically choose one of these European brands:

  • Holle
  • HiPP
  • BebeM
  • Lebenswert Bio
  • Jovie
  • Kendamil

Most of them make formula for babies with health problems like cow milk intolerance, bloating, constipation, and frequent regurgitation. 

The organic baby formula helps parents avoid these health disorders and get the required nutrients safely. Organic baby food brands do their best to replicate breast milk, which is a source of water, macronutrients, and micronutrients for a newborn. Years of diligent research helped organic baby food manufacturers improve the quality of the formula and make it as nourishing as breast milk. 

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The Benefits of Choosing Organic Baby Formula for Your Little One