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Why can data science training transform a mundane IT career?

Why can data science training transform a mundane IT career?

The Indian IT industry started its journey back in the ’70s. Back then Infosys started the journey of an entire industry. And it was bolstered by the inception of TCS and Wipro. The government showed support and the IT sector found its place majorly in Bangalore and then in Mumbai and Hyderabad. The IT industry in India was rich in manpower from the very beginning. And was able to take on humongous projects. Readily available manpower and cheap labour in India were extremely favourable for the sector and mass recruitment became the trend in the industry. As a result, huge numbers of colleges and schools started their journey and started training a massive number of engineers every year. The ever-growing IT industry started experiencing its downfall after the wall street crash back in 2008 and the ongoing recession added to the misery.

The industry was slowly recovering depending on the outsourced work from major global powers. The low costs of services attracted a lot of clients around the world who were willing to invest in the industry. Thanks to this the industry survived. But the quality of work dropped remarkably. The outsourced work was repetitive and mundane. Excessive investment of time and energy meant accumulating errors. Therefore the work of an IT professional gradually became more and more exhausting and devoid of any significant fulfilment. Many professionals were already looking for alternative careers due to this situation and the pandemic induced lockdowns kind of fueled these intentions. 

What went wrong in 2020?

The lockdowns and ongoing pandemic devastated the major world economies that supported the Indian IT industry with outsourced work that was too mundane for their own citizens. The value of human labour in the sector was already decreasing at a rapid rate. And The pandemic induced lockdown acted as a nail in the coffin. The outsourced work that the industry depended on so direly suddenly ceased to exist. As a result, unemployment became commonplace. 

A ray of hope

The pandemic, despite its severity and brute results, had some good to it as well. Thanks to the sudden shock the commercial entities around the world started depending on data for the day to day decision making. And for even the most redundant decisions data was being used to its full extent. Data grants the power to predict the future extremely accurately. And depending on data for both the internal and external operations has never been seen to fail. Thus IT professionals started seeking data science training for securing a better future. 

The future of data science training in India 

India is a country of massive diversity and the population is huge, to say the least. Serving this huge collection of variety has never been very easy. Data is changing things by a huge margin. Both the commercial and public sectors are witnessing data-dependent progress. Data is making the internal and external processes more efficient. And decisions made based on data analysis are mostly the right ones. Thus the role of a data analyst is in high priority. A data analyst is usually bestowed with responsibilities that are of paramount importance to a venture. Naturally, an experienced engineer with data science training is a valuable asset to any company and they are usually paid adequately. 

How to start preparing 

  • Hands-on training and relevant skills are important when it comes to securing employment in data science. The primary job of students is to ensure the courses they are looking up to are allowing for an internship opportunity. A good institute offering data science training is expected to have partner companies in the field that are more than willing to train and even recruit the students from a trusted partner. Survival in this world requires collaboration and a long-standing institute’s most likely to possess them in abundance. A good and updated syllabus also ensures the presence of influential and resourceful faculty in an institute. Only by being in touch with the industry, one can help the students develop relevant skills and include the necessary courses in a syllabus. 
  • Evaluation of promises is the next most important aspect when choosing the right data science training. Making fake and lofty promises does not cost any significant money. But keeping them requires a lot of effort and dedication on the institute’s behalf. Fraudulent institutes tend to make impossible promises for grabbing some eyeballs, but they never tend to keep them. In order to understand what is possible and which promises are not at all made with the intention of keeping, a student must be aware of the norms. And in order to get the right idea, extensive research is essential for any enthusiast willing to take up data science training

What are the opportunities?

  • In the commercial sector, the application of data analytics is raging and taking a better hold with time. Data dependency is mainstream. The roles of data analysts and business analysts are also emerging top prominence. Every redundant decision is being made by the adept utilization of data and for this very reason, entire teams dedicated to data analytics are being deployed. With time, the population and demands are expected to increase. And commercial entities are expected to become more efficient for the very purpose of survival. Thus a data analyst is always expected to find their place in the commercial sector as a major player.
  • In the public sector, the use of data is diverse and can consist of many goals. In the healthcare sector, massive amounts of data are being used for the development of personalized therapies. Before we had the ability to handle and store this huge amount of data it was not possible. But thanks to the emergence of these data-related roles, today’s utilization of this data is very much within the grasp. In the disaster management and traffic sectors, accidents and debacles are being detected before they happen and thousands, if not millions of lives are being saved every year. 

Why is data science training a life-changer?

With the right and relevant kind of data science training, a professional can experience a plethora of career opinions for the taking. The public and private sectors are willing to change for a better and more efficient future. And data is making this possible. Thanks to the emergence of data analytics as a major force, it is now possible to achieve preciseness in every process that is designed by data analytics. As in the marketing sector, the use of financial and purchase data is making possible the identification of the most interested buyers. People are naturally inclined towards products due to needs. And these people are expected to invest in a product with less persuasion and are often convinced just by suggestion. Apart from that, many aspects of modern commerce are completely dependent on data analytics and not using enough data is mostly detrimental. In India, professionals can get online data science training and become the best versions of themselves by securing a fulfilling career full of certainty. And given the trend of our markets, the relevance of such is only expected to go up with time.