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How to get the Hard Light Catalyst and Easy Kill Farm

hard light catalyst

How to get the Hard Light Catalyst and Easy Kill Farm

This item can be found randomly by completing Heroic or Nightfall Strikes. Its upgrade is unlocked by defeating 1000 enemies using Hard Light.

If you can’t beat them, join them. That seems to be the philosophy behind Hard Light’s growing popularity in Destiny 2, not only dominating Trials, but also Survival, regular Crucible, and possibly Iron Banner today, if I had to guess.

The weapon has 5 times as many wins as the next closest primary in Trials (SUROS) and it’s essentially a staple and staple on most maps until Bungie gets on its nerves, which seems inevitable at this point. Stadium. But if you’re a new player or coming back, you might not have it, and you might feel out of place or like you can’t compete.

Well, I am here to help.

  • Name: Hard Light Catalyst
  • Season: 5
  • Type: Catalyst
  • Rarity: Exotic
  • Related Item: Hard Light

This weapon generates Orbs on multi-kills and displays the number of enemies defeated by using it. When upgraded to a Masterwork, this weapon receives additional bonuses.

Source: Found in strikes against the most challenging opponents.

The bad news is that there isn’t a specific Exotic Quest to get Hard Light. It is a weapon from Destiny 1 and was in Destiny 2 from the start. It’s been around for a long, long time, but it’s only been good recently, and it’s a random drop.

However, here are all the ways you can potentially get it:

Xur Can Sell It – Granted, Xur only sells one weapon per week and his pool is pretty big now, so your chances are not good. Xur is a vendor who sells a rotating set of Exotics on weekends for Legendary Shards and you can find where he is on reset Friday here.

Friends, Xur also sells a “Random” Exotic Engram for more shards which will give you an Exotic you don’t have. So if Hard Light is on this list, this is probably your best “targeted” move to get it, although the odds still aren’t that great.

Battle Pass Exotic Engrams

The Seasonal Battle Pass contains a few Exotic Engrams that work the same as they will give you an Exotic that you don’t already have. They are at ranks 25, 60, 74, and 98, so there are four chances if you are successful.

Milestones – Outside of targeted engrams, your best bet for exotics is completing weekly milestones, the powerful drops that appear as objectives marked by a yellow circle all over your map.

That’s anything from doing three strikes to completing 8 Crucible bounties to doing objectives on a flashpoint planet. Most of the time you’ll get legendries, but you can get exotics from completing those.

World Drops – It doesn’t happen often, but exotics can simply drop as engrams in the world. I would say anywhere between 3-5 Prime Engram drops, you will usually see an exotic sub in as a drop. Again, a rarity, and it requires a lot of gameplay, but it happens.

Heroic, Legend, and Master Nightfalls – The only activity that directly rewards exotics right now are higher tiers of Nightfalls, but if you’re a player consulting a guide on how to get Hard Light, no offense but I’m guessing you may not be ready for this level of endgame content yet, particularly with the recent power increases.

Heroic is 970 and drops them rarely, Legend is 1000 power and Master is 1030 power and drops them frequently. But yeah, this is probably not the move for newer players.

That’s really all the major exotic sources I can think of, and fundamentally, you’re just going to have to get lucky to some degree.

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The catalyst? That you can farm.

A catalyst is something that drops once you get an exotic weapon that somehow gives it a boost. For Hard Light, he’s especially valuable because he maximizes his stability and makes him the laser beam that constantly kills you in Crucible.

The hard light catalyst falls strikes and falls at night. The harder the Nightfall and the higher your score, the better you’re supposed to see the catalyst drop rates, but I’m not 100% convinced that’s true. This will appear as a drop from the final chest when struck.

It might be a conspiracy theory, but I would try to make sure you complete any other open catalysts that you have. I have found that some catalysts drop almost instantly if you don’t work on another one, but I can’t say it’s not anecdotal.

Once you drop it, you will need 1000 Hard Light to complete it. That’s a lot, but given its power right now, there are worse weapons you could use. And I believe Crucible Kills matter a lot more than normal PvE attacks.

So why am I telling everyone how to get a gun that too many people already use? I just wanna watch the world burn in a glorious light show I guess (and nerf it faster).

How to get the Hard Light Catalyst and Easy Kill Farm

Just keep farming strikes. The drop rates are extremely low, maybe 1% tops, and there are like 10-15 catalysts that can drop from strikes so it probably won’t even be the one you want.


  • Must have the Hard Light Catalyst.
  • They do not provide the service for obtaining the Catalyst, only the completion of it.

Destiny Carries LFG Experts will complete the Hard Light Catalyst for you.

Hard Light Catalyst Upgrades this weapon to a Masterwork. It will generate Orbs on multi-kills and gain a tracker that displays the number of enemies defeated by using it. You can upgrade it to improve its stats and perks.

How it is obtained Hard Light Catalyst: Random Reward from Nightfalls and Strikes
You must have the Hard Light Catalyst. We do not provide the service of obtaining the catalyst – only the completion of it

What we will complete for you.
Get 1000 kills with the Hard Light

Our team will sign onto your account and complete the Catalyst for you, making the Hard Light masterworked.

Hard Ligh Catalyst Buff
This weapon generates Orbs on multikills and displays the number of enemies defeated by using it. When upgraded to a Masterwork, this weapon receives additional bonuses.


catalyst is something that drops once you get an exotic weapon that gives it a boost in some way. For Hard Light, it’s particularly valuable because it maxes out its stability and makes it the laser beam that is constantly killing you in Crucible. The Hard Light catalyst drops from strikes and Nightfalls.

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