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UAE VS Kuwait – Which is the best for living in 2024?

UAE VS Kuwait

UAE VS Kuwait

According to, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is the most livable country in the Middle East, ranking 32nd globally. Kuwait is the fourth most livable country in the Arab world

Here’s some related information about the UAE and Kuwait:

  • Quality of lifeThe UAE has a higher purchasing power index and safety index than Kuwait, but a lower health care index and climate index.
  • Cost of livingThe cost of living index is lower in the UAE than in Kuwait.
  • ExpatsHSBC says the UAE offers expats a high quality of life, with modern accommodation and medical facilities, good international schools, and a highly developed infrastructure.
  • WeatherAbu Dhabi is sunny with a high of 23°C and a low of 18°C. Kuwait is sunny with a high of 23°C and a low of 17°C. 

Kuwait vs United Arab Emirates

  • Has public health care.
  • 0.5% lower unemployment rate. 1.1%vs1.6%
  • 3.9% more agricultural land. 8.5%vs4.6%
  • 0.8 more hospital beds per 1,000 inhabitants. 2vs1.2.
  • 29.17% lower inflation rate. …
  • 1.79x more health expenditures. …
  • 7.95% more physicians per 1,000 people. …
  • 7.8 years younger population.

The choice between living in the UAE (United Arab Emirates) and Kuwait depends on various factors, including personal preferences, lifestyle, career opportunities, and cultural considerations. Both countries have their own unique features and advantages. Here’s a comparison of key aspects to help you make an informed decision:

1. Economy and Job Opportunities:

  • UAE: The UAE, especially cities like Dubai and Abu Dhabi, has a diverse and thriving economy with a strong focus on sectors like finance, tourism, and real estate. There are numerous job opportunities, especially in the private sector.
  • Kuwait: Kuwait’s economy relies heavily on oil exports. Job opportunities are available in the oil and gas sector, but it may be more limited compared to the UAE.

2. Cost of Living:

  • UAE: The cost of living in the UAE, particularly in cities like Dubai and Abu Dhabi, can be relatively high. Housing, schooling, and some services may be more expensive.
  • Kuwait: Kuwait has a lower cost of living compared to the UAE. Housing and basic amenities are generally more affordable.

3. Quality of Life:

  • UAE: The UAE offers a high standard of living, with modern infrastructure, luxury amenities, and a vibrant expatriate community. The lifestyle is cosmopolitan, and there are numerous leisure and entertainment options.
  • Kuwait: Kuwait also provides a good quality of life, and the society is known for its traditional values. While it may not have the same level of luxury as the UAE, it has a rich cultural heritage.

4. Cultural Environment:

  • UAE: The UAE is known for its cosmopolitan environment, with a mix of cultures and nationalities. It has a more liberal and diverse society.
  • Kuwait: Kuwait has a more conservative cultural environment, with a strong emphasis on traditional values. Respect for local customs and traditions is important.

5. Education and Healthcare:

  • UAE: The UAE has a well-developed education system with numerous international schools and universities. Healthcare facilities are also of high quality.
  • Kuwait: Kuwait has a good education system, and there are reputable international schools. Healthcare services are generally good but may not be as extensive as in the UAE.

6. Climate:

  • UAE: The climate in the UAE is hot and arid, with high temperatures, especially during the summer months.
  • Kuwait: Kuwait has a similar climate, with hot summers and mild winters.

UAE VS Kuwait – Which is the best for living in 2024?

Ultimately, the “best” choice depends on your personal preferences, career goals, and lifestyle priorities. It’s recommended to visit both countries, if possible, to get a feel for the local environment and assess how well it aligns with your needs and expectations. Additionally, consider factors such as job opportunities, cultural fit, and overall well-being when making your decision.

It really does depend on your circumstances and what you are looking for. If you a single, Dubai has loads of going out stuff. If you are married with kids – I believe Kuwait is better.

I have lived in both places and would not live in Dubai again even twice my salary.

Kuwait has better housing choices if you like living in a place with a garden. More difficult in Dubai as it would be a lot more pricey.

I hate humidity and Kuwait is extremely dry. Even 50 degrees is manageable. Kuwait is laid-back while Dubai is mega busy.

Perhaps you should visit Kuwait as its a big decision.

“UAE” without a second thought. The following are the reasons for someone who lived, worked, has business in both places for over a decade.

  1. Dubai is a cosmopolitan city, people from more than 120 countries and nationalities live there and live in harmony without discrimination to one another
  2. There is a respect for foreigners, ex-pats living and working in the country
  3. The discrimination is not rampant… it is there when it comes to govt jobs, promotions, education, etc. but in general, the law is fair for citizens and ex-pats
  4. You enjoy life, you live your life, tons of things to do
  5. Most People are generally warm and welcoming, they are friendly, everyone greets everyone warmly.
  6. Cities, schools, buildings, neighborhoods are not typecast to specific race/gender/nationality, you will find an amazing mix of people everywhere.
  7. Safety and security… you are virtually never worried about your safety and security. Be it a man or woman or a young couple, no one harasses you, no catcalls, no Eve teasing, etc.
  8. Lifestyle, Dubai offers a lifestyle appropriate to your economic status. You can live like a middle class or as a millionaire
  9. Growth, energy, freedom. You can grow in your career, business, there is a positive energy to support, freedom to practice your religion, faith, belief.
  10. Alcohol… well, if applicable, it is available and it is legal to buy, drink and enjoy. I would not miss the Oktoberfest for anything
  11. Law is enforced seriously and generally, by and large people don’t take it for granted. “Waste” culture is absent
  12. Public services like residency, Electricity, telecom, etc. are accessible to all. English is used in all public services, and at times even Hindi/Urdu is widely spoken, used
  13. It is expensive… but again… you get what you pay for. Life is to enjoy, money is to earn and spend and “life is to live not spent”

In the UAE, you live your life, in Kuwait, you spend your life.

UAE VS Kuwait – Which is the best for living in 2024?

Kuwait vs UAE? That depends on a lot of factors. Let me try and list them out.

A lot depends on what you earn, so assume that you get paid the same and that you have a family with kids.

Pros of Kuwait

  • The cost of living in Dubai is higher compared to Kuwait. Everything from rent to taxi fares is higher in Dubai.
  • Better schools, if I may say so, and more options to choose from especially at the school level.
  • Despite the heat, the weather is not unpleasant thanks to a lack of humidity.
  • Winters can get slightly chilly for the same reason. Nothing extreme though.
  • You have a better chance of saving money.
  • Kuwait is culturally rich if you know what to look for.
  • If you have a decent job, and you are an outgoing person then the Kuwaiti nationals will get along with you very well. The xenophobia that many of the answers have highlighted is directed towards certain sections of society. It is xenophobia mixed with a little bit of classism.
  • Kuwait has an evolving café culture among the active, young crowd.
  • The display of wealth is a bit subtler here, especially as there is a lot of old wealth here as opposed to money earned on the fast track.
  • Amongst the GCC countries, Kuwait is one of the more politically influential nations.
  • Kuwaiti nationals, especially women have a keen fashion sense.

Cons of Kuwait

  • Entertainment options are limited if you are not very culture oriented.
  • There is xenophobia for sure and you will feel the brunt of it if you are more of a person who avoids mingling much with other nationalities. Also, if you have a lower income then the pinch is sharp indeed.
  • The general populace is laid-back, and this results in everything moving at a slow pace… government and bureaucratic work seem to take forever.
  • Kuwait loses it on the roads… a lot of the drivers are just reckless and most of them are Kuwaiti nationals.
  • As there is no flash and bling in the display of wealth, the place might look boring and monotonous. Very few sparkling high-rises or neon-lit squares or incredible gardens. Even the houses are all mostly sand-colored blending in with the landscape.
  • It can get quite dusty a lot of the time.

Dubai (UAE) is flashy, fun and fast-paced… it would be a great place to stay if you are a bachelor. Once you have a family, your priorities usually would shift and then Dubai may not be the best option.

Overall, Kuwait is a nice place to live in. And if you save enough, which you easily can, then you can always hop over to Dubai for the weekends and have the best of both worlds.

Which country is better Kuwait or UAE?

The average after-tax salary is enough to cover living expenses for 1.5 months in Kuwait compared to 2 months in the United Arab Emirates. Ranked 49th and 27th best countries to live in the world.

The assessment of whether Kuwait or the UAE is “better” depends on individual preferences, priorities, and specific circumstances. Each country has its own unique characteristics, advantages, and challenges. Here are some factors to consider when comparing Kuwait and the UAE:

  1. Economy and Job Opportunities:
    • UAE: The UAE has a more diversified and dynamic economy with a strong focus on sectors such as finance, tourism, and real estate. It offers a wide range of job opportunities, especially in the private sector.
    • Kuwait: Kuwait’s economy relies heavily on oil exports, and job opportunities may be more concentrated in the oil and gas sector.
  2. Cost of Living:
    • UAE: The cost of living in the UAE, particularly in cities like Dubai and Abu Dhabi, can be relatively high. Housing, schooling, and some services may be more expensive.
    • Kuwait: Kuwait generally has a lower cost of living compared to the UAE. Basic amenities and housing may be more affordable.
  3. Quality of Life:
    • UAE: The UAE offers a high standard of living, modern infrastructure, and a cosmopolitan lifestyle. It has a vibrant expatriate community and numerous leisure and entertainment options.
    • Kuwait: Kuwait provides a good quality of life, with a rich cultural heritage. It may not have the same level of luxury as the UAE, but it has its own unique appeal.
  4. Cultural Environment:
    • UAE: The UAE is known for its cosmopolitan environment, embracing various cultures and nationalities. It has a more liberal and diverse society.
    • Kuwait: Kuwait has a more conservative cultural environment, with a strong emphasis on traditional values. Respect for local customs and traditions is important.
  5. Education and Healthcare:
    • UAE: The UAE has a well-developed education system with numerous international schools and universities. Healthcare facilities are also of high quality.
    • Kuwait: Kuwait has a good education system, and there are reputable international schools. Healthcare services are generally good but may not be as extensive as in the UAE.
  6. Climate:
    • UAE: The UAE has a hot and arid climate, with high temperatures, especially during the summer months.
    • Kuwait: Kuwait has a similar climate, with hot summers and mild winters.

Ultimately, the “better” choice depends on your personal priorities, lifestyle preferences, and career goals. It’s recommended to thoroughly research both countries, consider factors such as job opportunities, cultural fit, and overall well-being, and perhaps visit each country to get a firsthand experience before making a decision.

Is Kuwait richer than Dubai?

Kuwait has a slightly higher GDP than UAE. The GDP for Kuwait is $70,000 while that for UAE is approximately $66,000. This also has to with the population size, where Kuwait has a significantly much lower population. Living here, one gets the feeling that Kuwait is much richer, though the money seems to be invested.

It’s important to clarify the terminology used in this context. Dubai is not a country; it is one of the emirates of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Kuwait, on the other hand, is an independent country. Therefore, it is more accurate to compare Kuwait to the UAE as a whole rather than specifically to Dubai.

As of my knowledge cutoff in January 2022, both Kuwait and the UAE, including Dubai, are economically prosperous regions, and their wealth is largely driven by oil revenues. However, there are some differences in the economic structures and levels of development between Kuwait and the UAE:

  1. Oil Dependency:
    • Kuwait’s economy is heavily dependent on oil exports, with oil accounting for a significant portion of its GDP and government revenues.
    • The UAE, including Dubai, has made efforts to diversify its economy, with sectors such as tourism, real estate, aviation, and finance contributing significantly to its GDP. Dubai, in particular, has focused on becoming a global business and tourism hub.
  2. Wealth Distribution:
    • Kuwait has a relatively small population, and its citizens often benefit from a generous welfare system, including subsidies and public services.
    • The UAE, including Dubai, has a larger expatriate population, and wealth distribution can vary across different emirates. Dubai, being a global business and tourism hub, attracts a diverse population with varying income levels.
  3. Infrastructure and Development:
    • Both Kuwait and the UAE have invested heavily in infrastructure development. Dubai, in particular, is known for its modern and iconic skyline, featuring structures like the Burj Khalifa and Palm Jumeirah.
  4. Global Business Hub:
    • Dubai has positioned itself as a global business and financial hub, attracting international businesses and expatriates.
    • Kuwait has a strong financial sector but may not have the same level of international business activity as Dubai.

In summary, both Kuwait and the UAE, including Dubai, are wealthy regions, but their wealth distribution, economic structures, and development strategies differ. It’s challenging to declare one as definitively “richer” than the other, as it depends on specific economic indicators and criteria used for comparison. Additionally, economic conditions can change, so it’s advisable to check for the most recent data and analyses for an accurate assessment.

What is the standard of living in Dubai vs Kuwait?

You would need around 1,884.7KWD (22,524.0AED) in Dubai to maintain the same standard of life that you can have with 1,100.0KWD in Kuwait City (assuming you rent in both cities). This calculation uses our Cost of Living Plus Rent Index to compare the cost of living and assume net earnings (after income tax).

both Dubai (within the United Arab Emirates) and Kuwait have relatively high standards of living compared to many other countries in the world. However, there are differences in their economic structures, cost of living, and lifestyle. It’s important to note that economic conditions and standards of living can change, so it’s recommended to consult more recent sources for the latest information. Here are some general considerations for the standard of living in Dubai and Kuwait:

  1. Cost of Living:
    • Dubai: The cost of living in Dubai, particularly in terms of housing, schooling, and certain services, can be relatively high. However, the UAE government has implemented measures to address housing affordability in recent years.
    • Kuwait: Kuwait generally has a lower cost of living compared to Dubai. Basic amenities and housing are often more affordable.
  2. Housing:
    • Dubai: Dubai is known for its modern and luxurious real estate, with iconic structures such as the Burj Khalifa. The city offers a wide range of housing options, from high-end apartments to more affordable accommodations.
    • Kuwait: Kuwait also has diverse housing options, and the cost of housing tends to be more reasonable compared to Dubai.
  3. Salary and Employment Opportunities:
    • Dubai: Dubai attracts a significant expatriate population, and many people are drawn to the city for its career opportunities, particularly in sectors such as finance, real estate, tourism, and aviation.
    • Kuwait: Kuwait’s economy is heavily dependent on oil, and employment opportunities may be more concentrated in the oil and gas sector. The country has a well-established public sector.
  4. Lifestyle and Entertainment:
    • Dubai: Dubai is known for its cosmopolitan lifestyle, vibrant entertainment scene, and luxury amenities. The city offers a wide range of leisure and recreational activities.
    • Kuwait: Kuwait has a rich cultural heritage, and its lifestyle is a blend of traditional values and modern influences. While the entertainment scene may not be as expansive as Dubai’s, there are cultural attractions and events.
  5. Infrastructure and Services:
    • Dubai: Dubai is renowned for its modern infrastructure, including state-of-the-art transportation, healthcare, and education facilities.
    • Kuwait: Kuwait has also invested in infrastructure development, providing quality services and amenities.

Ultimately, the standard of living is subjective and depends on individual preferences, lifestyle choices, and career priorities. Both Dubai and Kuwait offer a high standard of living, but the specific experience will vary for each person based on their circumstances and preferences. It’s advisable to visit both places, if possible, and consider factors such as job opportunities, cultural fit, and overall well-being before making a decision.

What is the cost of living in Kuwait compared to UAE?

Cost of Living Comparison Between Dubai and Kuwait City

You would need around 12,881.0AED (1,078.6KWD) in Kuwait City to maintain the same standard of life that you can have with 22,000.0AED in Dubai (assuming you rent in both cities).

I can provide a general comparison of the cost of living between Kuwait and the UAE. However, please note that cost of living conditions can change, and it’s recommended to consult more recent sources for the latest information. Here are some general considerations:

  1. Housing:
    • Kuwait: The cost of housing in Kuwait is generally more affordable compared to the UAE. Rent for apartments and homes tends to be lower.
    • UAE: The cost of housing in the UAE, especially in cities like Dubai and Abu Dhabi, can be relatively high. Rental prices for accommodation, particularly in popular expatriate neighborhoods, can be a significant expense.
  2. Utilities:
    • Kuwait: Utility costs, including electricity, heating, cooling, water, and garbage, are generally reasonable in Kuwait.
    • UAE: Utility costs in the UAE can vary, but they are typically higher compared to Kuwait.
  3. Transportation:
    • Kuwait: The cost of transportation, including fuel and public transportation, is relatively low in Kuwait.
    • UAE: Transportation costs in the UAE can vary, but fuel prices are generally lower than in many Western countries. Public transportation may be more developed and accessible in the UAE.
  4. Food and Groceries:
    • Kuwait: The cost of food and groceries in Kuwait is reasonable, with a variety of options available in local markets and supermarkets.
    • UAE: Food prices in the UAE, particularly in expatriate-friendly supermarkets, can be higher compared to Kuwait. However, there are various dining options at different price points.
  5. Education:
    • Kuwait: While Kuwait offers both public and private schools, the cost of private international schools can be relatively high.
    • UAE: The UAE has a range of educational institutions, including international schools. Tuition fees for private schools in the UAE can vary widely.
  6. Healthcare:
    • Kuwait: Healthcare services are available in Kuwait, and the cost of medical care is generally reasonable.
    • UAE: Healthcare facilities in the UAE are of high quality, but medical expenses can be relatively higher compared to Kuwait.

It’s important to note that individual lifestyles, spending habits, and choices can greatly influence the overall cost of living. Additionally, economic conditions can change, so it’s advisable to check with local sources and conduct thorough research for the most up-to-date and accurate information.


Kuwait is a much more conservative country, and politically, well, reasonably stable, but prone to the odd upset from those upset by the American presence.

Culturally speaking, Kuwait has nothing at all to offer, like anything interesting the Kuwaitis have demolished on the grounds of ‘progress’.

Living in Kuwait is to move from one bubble to another, with very little integration with Kuwaitis, who view themselves above such irritations. Your most likely way of meeting a Kuwaiti is when he has rammed your car at 160 km/h.

As far as fine dining goes, if you like burgers, you’ll be fine, anything else, and you need a ‘plane ticket to the Emirates. The weather isn’t as humid as Dubai but is just as hot, and prone to sandstorms.

UAE VS Kuwait – Which is the best for living in 2024?

Friends, I have lived in Kuwait (8–9 years) and I have lived in Dubai (6–7 years)

I tell you a story while sitting in the airport lounge waiting for my plane heading to Kuwait for the first time, I saw a friend who lived a long time in Kuwait as well.

I told him, I’m moving to Kuwait, He was so excited to tell me how much I’m going to love Kuwait and how easy is the country and how the business is good and stable and I’m going to enjoy my time their no doubt, and then he asked me if I’m married, I said (at that time) no I’m single, he said 3 words of wisdom: “ You are Fu***d).

So it all depends if you are single or married and then decide which city you want to live in.

UAE VS Kuwait – Which is the best

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