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What does Return Service Requested Mean in USPS?

Return Service Requested

What does Return Service Requested Mean in USPS?

“Return Service Requested” is a USPS endorsement that means a piece of mail is undeliverable and should be returned free of charge to the sender. The mail may be returned with a new address, or with a notice explaining why it couldn’t be delivered. 

The USPS will not forward mail marked “Return Service Requested”. 

The USPS uses “Return Service Requested” when mail is undeliverable or forwarded. It’s usually used for lower than first class mail. Change Service Requested provides address correction services without forwarding or return. If undeliverable, either the new address or the reason it is undeliverable is provided to the sender. Return Service Requested provides address correction services and always returns the piece.

“Return Service Requested” is a mail service option offered by the United States Postal Service (USPS). This notation is typically used in conjunction with various mail classes, such as First-Class Mail, Standard Mail, and Package Services. When a piece of mail includes the “Return Service Requested” endorsement, it means that the sender has requested the USPS to return the piece of mail if it is undeliverable for any reason.

What does Return Service Requested Mean in USPS?

Return Service Requested is a USPS service that ensures mail is returned to the sender with a new address or a reason for non-delivery. There is no charge for this service, but the price for First-Class Mail or Priority Mail still applies. 

Return Service Requested is one of several Ancillary Service endorsements that can be used on mail. Other options include:

  • Address Service Requested: Provides forwarding and address correction services when possible.
  • Change Service Requested: Provides address correction services without forwarding or return. 

The request for Return Service Requested is included in the Intelligent Mail barcode or in the ACS profile.

Return Service Requested tells the USPS that if a piece of mail cannot be delivered as addressed, the piece is to be returned, free of charge, to the sender, with the new address or an explanation of the reason for non-delivery attached to it, regardless of whether a change of address order is on file for the recipient.

“Return Service Requested” is a special service option provided by the United States Postal Service (USPS) for mail that cannot be delivered to the intended recipient and needs to be returned to the sender or another specified address. When this service is requested, the USPS takes specific actions based on the conditions of the mailpiece.

Here’s what “Return Service Requested” means and how it works:

  1. Mailpiece Unable to Be Delivered:
    • If a piece of mail with “Return Service Requested” cannot be delivered to the intended recipient due to reasons such as an undeliverable address, expired forwarding order, or any other issue, the USPS takes action based on the specified service option.
  2. Return Options:
    • The sender or mailer has several options for how they want the undelivered mail to be handled:
      • Return to Sender: The mailpiece is returned to the sender or the return address specified on the mail.
      • Forwarding: If a valid forwarding address is on file, the mail may be forwarded to the new address.
      • Return to Sender with New Address: If there is a new address on file, the mail may be returned to the sender with the new address attached.
  3. Notification to Sender:
    • The USPS typically provides a notification to the sender about the action taken on the undeliverable mail, allowing them to update their records or take necessary steps.

What does Return Service Requested Mean in USPS?

It’s important for senders to be aware of the implications and costs associated with the “Return Service Requested” option, as there may be fees for certain return services. The specific procedures and fees can vary, so it’s advisable to check with the USPS or refer to their official guidelines for the most accurate and current information.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Undeliverable Mail: If the USPS is unable to deliver the mail to the intended recipient for reasons such as an incorrect address, the recipient has moved, or the recipient refuses to accept the mail, the postal service will not simply discard the item.
  2. Return Instructions: Instead, with the “Return Service Requested” endorsement, the USPS will follow the return instructions specified by the sender. These instructions may include returning the mail to the sender’s address or forwarding it to a new address provided by the sender.
  3. Additional Postage: If the mailpiece is forwarded to a new address, the USPS may charge additional postage to the sender based on the current postage rates.
  4. Notification to Sender: In some cases, the USPS may provide a notification or return receipt to the sender, informing them of the reason for non-delivery and the action taken.

This service is beneficial for businesses and individuals who want to keep their mailing lists updated and ensure that they have the correct addresses for their recipients. It provides a way for the sender to be informed if a piece of mail cannot be delivered as addressed.

It’s important for senders to be aware that using “Return Service Requested” may result in additional fees or charges, and they should be familiar with the USPS policies and rates associated with this service.

What does Return Service Requested Mean in USPS?

The United States Postal Service (USPS; also known as the Post Office, United States Mail, or Postal Service) is an independent agency of the executive branch of the United States federal government responsible for providing postal service in the United States. States, including their island areas. and associated states. It is one of the few government agencies explicitly authorized by the United States Constitution.

“Return Service Requested” is a special service provided by the United States Postal Service (USPS) that allows a sender to request that an undeliverable piece of mail be returned to the sender with the recipient’s new address or reason for non-delivery.

This service can be useful for businesses or individuals who need to keep their mailing lists up-to-date. If a piece of mail is undeliverable, the USPS will attempt to forward it to the recipient’s new address if one is on file, or return it to the sender with the reason for non-delivery. However, this service is not available for all types of mail, such as First-Class Mail or Priority Mail Express.

What does Return Service Requested Mean in USPS?

There are several ancillary service endorsements that a sender can write on his envelopes in order to instruct the USPS on how to treat a piece of mail that is Undeliverable as Addressed (UAA).

Return Service Requested tells the USPS that if a piece of mail cannot be delivered as addressed, the piece is to be returned, free of charge, to the sender, with the new address or an explanation of the reason for non-delivery attached to it, regardless of whether a change of address order is on file for the recipient.

If the addressee does not live at that address, the sender would prefer that the letter be returned to them rather than forwarded. A good example is if you renewed your drivers license, the state will send it to the address that you provided at renewal. If you don’t live there, they want it back so you will have to ask them for it and provide the correct address.

The exact meaning of that indicia is to indicate that the mailer is willing to pay for the cost of returning the undeliverable item. Which unlike first class/priority/express mail, doesn’t get automatic returns because they paid a lower rate such as 3rd or 4th class mailing when they mailed to their addressees. Some times it contains valuable samples.

What does Return Service Requested Mean in USPS?

Other common indications would be “Address Service Requested”, so if the item was forwarded because the recipient moved or the sender had a part of the wrong address and the carrier can correct it, the PO would send the sender the new or correct address.

The exact meaning of that indicia is to indicate that the mailer is willing to pay for the cost of returning the undeliverable item. Which unlike first class/priority/express mail, doesn’t get automatic returns because they paid a lower rate such as 3rd or 4th class mailing, when they mailed to their addressees. Some times it contains valuable samples.

There other common indicia would be

“Address service requested” then if the item was forwarded, because the recipient moved or the sender had a part of the address wrong and the carrier can correct it, the PO would send the sender the new or correct address.

What does Return Service Requested Mean in USPS?

It means that the sender of the article (typically either a business advertisement of some sort or an attempt to collect a debt) wants the Postal Service to send them a photocopy of the front of the envelope showing your name and address along with the sticker the Postal Service puts on the article showing your new address.

If forwarding service is still active (i.e., it was changed within the last 12 months), the article will be forwarded to you and the company that sent it will receive said photocopy. If your forwarding service is no longer active, the actual article will be returned to sender with your new address on it, and they will pay the Post Office a nominal fee.

Return Service Requested tells the USPS that if a piece of mail cannot be delivered as addressed, the piece is to be returned, free of charge, to the sender, with the new address or an explanation of the reason for non-delivery attached to it, regardless of whether a change of address order is on file for the recipient.

Thereof, what does it mean Address Service Requested?

Address Service Requested provides forwarding and address correction services when possible. If the mail is undeliverable and not forwardable, it is returned to the sender with the reason identified on the mailpiece. Return Service Requested provides address correction services and always returns the piece.

Subsequently, question is, what is forwarding service requested? Forwarding Service Requested addresses the forwarding and return of mail.

Besides, is there a charge for return service requested? Return Service Requested Mailpiece returned with new address or reason for nondelivery attached. No charge.

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What does “electronic service requested” mean on US postal mail?

The sender wants to know the forwarding address if there is one. They have an account with USPS, so this can be done online. There is a code above the address which is your account number. Since the addresses are read by computer anyway, this is done automatically.

For example, an invoice is sent to a customer. When that letter goes through the first processing machine, a photo of the address is taken. The computer scans that information and extracts the relevant data. If the recipient has moved and provided a forwarding address, the machines apply the barcode to the bottom of the new address and send it back to the sender’s account electronically.

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How can I find out the forwarding address for a person who moved?

Technically, you cannot, except for certain officials, that the post office will not give anyone that information directly. You can fool the system by sending an item to your old address by certified mail or by printing the words “return service requested” below the return address on a regular letter.

The certificate is tracked, and if it is forwarded, you can find out the delivery address, especially if you use a return receipt. In the return service, you just put a stamp on the letter, and if there is a forwarding address, the letter will be returned to you with the new address printed on the front of the letter.

For first class mail, there is no additional charge. This is only supposed to be used by businesses, but it will work for individual mail pieces as well. If there is no established forwarding address, the mail pieces will be returned to you, marked as such.

What does “address service requested” mean on an envelope?

It’s called “Ancillary Services Approval.” It is used to request a recipient’s new address and to provide the postal service with instructions on how to handle their mail IF it cannot be delivered by address (UAA).

There are “Address Service Requested”, “Service Change Requested” and “Return Service Requested” that will receive the new address OR the reason the mail cannot be delivered via a PS 3547 form, Notice to Sender of correction in the address or the return of your mail. Return postage and manual address correction fees may apply.

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What does “under investigation” mean with USPS?

I assume it refers to a package or letter that is tracked. Usually it means that the package was lost in a period of time when it should have been delivered by the USPS.

The “investigation” could reveal a number of different things, including that the package was lost en route. This happened to me recently and the package was located on the opposite side of the country or it could mean that it was placed in a neighbor’s mailbox instead of yours. It could mean that it was actually delivered to his house and taken. There are numerous possibilities.

While I have a lot of trouble with the USPS, their investigations are usually pretty good at tracking down missing packages and letters. In various circumstances, it could be argued that it should never have disappeared to begin with, but that’s a different story!

Will the post office give me a forwarding address?

The post office will forward their mail for 12 months. After this time the USPS will return the mail to the SENDER with a notice of person’s new address. However, USPS will NOT give out forwarding addresses to random individuals for safety reasons.

What does temporary return service requested mean?

TempReturn Service Requested

Piece returned with new address or reason for nondelivery attached. If temporary change of address, piece forwarded; no separate notice of temporary change of address provided.

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If undeliverable, either the new address or the reason it is undeliverable is provided to the sender. Return Service Requested provides address correction services and always returns the piece.

What does “electronic service requested” mean on US postal mail?

The sender wants to know the forwarding address if there is one. They have an account with USPS, so this can be done online. There is a code above the address that is their account number. Since computers read addresses anyway, this process is automatic.

Example: A bill is mailed to a customer. When that letter passes through the first processing machine, a photo is taken of the address. The computer scans that information and extracts the pertinent data. 

Suppose the addressee has moved and provided a forwarding address. In that case, the machines apply the barcode along the bottom for the new address and send that address back to the sender’s account electronically.

What does “in transit” mean for the USPS?

  • Dr. Seuss would probably develop the best way to explain “in transit.”
  • It could be on a plane.
  • It could be in a truck.
  • It could be in a warehouse.
  • It could be on a boat.
  • It could be misrouted.
  • It could have been damaged beyond recognition.
  • It could have been delivered to your neighbors’ who will never admit to having stolen it.
  • It could be on its way if it survived a postal employee going postal or having it fall off their delivery bag.

Why is USPS service so bad?

Good question. Consider this. Just this week, I had a package sent to me using USPS. I ordered the product on Monday, 2–17–20, and paid for the 2- to 3-day delivery rate. Monday was a holiday for USPS, so it didn’t ship on Monday.

It was taken to the post office in Industry, California, on Tuesday, where it sat for an entire day and was scanned into the USPS system on Wednesday. It left the distribution center in California on Thursday.

It got to Spokane, Washington, DC, on Friday, and I’ve got 4 text messages today saying it departed Spokane, DC. WTH? How the hell can it leave the same place four times? Is somebody standing outside and throwing it back over the fence?

What does Return Service Requested Mean in USPS?

Now the post office in Post Falls says it will be delivered on Monday. SIX days when I paid for 2 to 3-day delivery. FedEx delivered another package I had.

It was picked up on Thursday in Mississippi. I paid to have it overnighted to me here in Spokane. FedEx guaranteed it would be delivered before 10:30 a.m. the next day. At 9:32 a.m. on Friday, the FedEx driver handed me the package.

That’s right; there is a difference between customer service and bullshit. It would be okay to use the USPS for a Christmas card. If you send it in July, it might get there by Christmas.

But there is no way I would trust these imbeciles with anything of value. There needs to be a telling when it will get delivered. Or even IF it would get delivered, for that matter.

How does USPS forward packages?

I will do my best on this one. As I last knew, all parcels sent through the mail have an even longer bar code on the label; one for tracking and one for the delivery address. All parcels are scanned when received into the mail stream and initially checked by a computer to see if they have a good address, the correct bar code, and the last name of the delivery address.

If the computer finds an address change, it generates a new label for your correct address. Otherwise, it is sorted into groups for further processing. An analogy would be like buying gas for your car on a trip. The Postal Service has processing centers that receive parcels and send them out by plane, or if local, they dispatch them by truck to the USPS mail station, which delivers to your address.

You can track where it goes from the shipper to delivery on An interesting tidbit: the Postal Service and UPS have a delivery agreement that lets the post office deliver many UPS parcels to your home. That is why many parcels have two address labels, UPS on one and USPS on the same item. I hope I answered your question.

Does USPS mail forwarding catch incoming mail to the old address and re-route it to your new address?

The United States Postal Service (USPS) is supposed to re-route incoming mail sent to your old address and forward it to your new address, but it is only sometimes consistent in this effort. Here’s a good answer about forwarding: Don Caine’s answer to If I add mail forwarding service through USPS, how long will it be valid for, and would it be applicable for other delivery services like FedEx and UPS?

Ask the USPS to forward your mail.

To alert USPS to forward your mail, you must fill out a “Change of Address” form with your new address (the link is at the bottom of this answer, or you could do it in person at your post office). Please also provide your new address to the new owners (or the landlord if you are renting), possibly with pre-stamped envelopes, so they can send important mail that does not get forwarded automatically.

Alert everyone, you are moving.

If you are moving, make sure you give your new address to every company and person who might even occasionally send you mail:

  • Friends, family
  • Social Security
  • Medicare
  • Magazines
  • Investments
  • Bank
  • Student loans
  • Credit card(s)
  • Utilities (because you might need to pay a bill after you leave)
  • Insurance (car, home, health, eye, and dental)
  • Doctors, dentists, eye doctors, and veterinarians
  • Hospital
  • School, college

It will decrease the amount of mail that has to be forwarded and increase the chances that you get your mail at the new location.

Cancel services (e.g., paper, cable, internet, phone, utilities). Look at the USPS form for other tips.

Real-life story

Caution: Forwarding requests do not always work. For the past few months, a good friend of mine has had huge issues with her local post office in Maryland (I’m talking about you, Greenbelt Post Office!) because mail has not been forwarded to a former tenant who moved out in January 2022 and left a forwarding address with the post office.

His big mistake is that he still needs to give her his address, even though he sometimes gets important mail at his old address. She has had to take a certain important piece of mail to the post office to ask them to forward it twice, even though the important mail was marked “PLEASE FORWARD.” It returned to her tenant’s old address twice before being forwarded to his new address. Sigh.

Below is the link to fill out when you need to change your address with the United States Postal Service. You can also pick up the forms at your local post office. Please give it to the appropriate USPS staff member for handling.


“Return Service Requested” is a special service option provided by the United States Postal Service (USPS) for mail that is undeliverable as addressed. When this instruction is included on an envelope, it indicates that if the recipient’s address is incorrect or if the recipient refuses or fails to accept the mail, the USPS should not dispose of the mail but instead return it to the sender.

There are different variations of this service, such as “Return to Sender,” “Forwarding Service Requested,” and “Address Service Requested,” each with slightly different rules and fees associated with them. In the case of “Return Service Requested,” the USPS will return the mail to the sender with the new address or reason for non-delivery attached.

It’s important to note that including this service on an envelope may result in additional fees for the sender, and it’s crucial for the sender to keep their address information updated with the USPS to facilitate the return of undeliverable mail.

Under this endorsement, the envelope or mail piece will be returned with either a new address or simply a non-delivery notice. There is no charge for this service and there is no time limit. In my experience, the first two backups are the most popular and commonly used.

What does Return Service Requested Mean in USPS?

There are several areas on the envelope or mail piece where these endorsements can be printed which are shown in the diagram above. There should be 1/4 “of clearance around the endorsement. This applies anywhere on the envelope.

Current charges for these services, where applicable, along with any modifications that may have occurred since I wrote this, can be obtained by contacting a business office representative at your local or regional post office. In my dealings, I have found these people to be unfailingly helpful.

The exact meaning of that indicia is to indicate that the mailer is willing to pay for the cost of returning the undeliverable item. Unlike first class/priority/express mail, they don’t get automatic returns because they paid a lower rate, such as 3rd or 4th class mailing, when they mailed to their addressees. Sometimes it contains valuable samples.
Other common indicators would be
“Address service requested.” Then, if the item was forwarded because the recipient moved or the sender had a part of the address wrong and the carrier could correct it, the PO would send the sender the new or correct address.

How do I respond to a return service request?

Requesting Returned to Sender Through the USPS

There are a couple of different places that you can write this endorsement, including: right beneath the return address on the upper left-hand corner of the envelope or package. Right next to the USPS postage stamp.

Where does a return service request go?

Directly below the postage area and below any rate marking, the service provider’s name and return address must be in the upper left corner of the address side of the envelope, and Return Service Requested must read in the same direction as the service provider and delivery address.

What is the forwarding service requested?

A forwarding service request is an ancillary service endorsement that the sender prints on mail and instructs USPS to forward undeliverable-as-addressed mail.

Is return service required on bulk mail?

The two endorsements used by WOU are “Return Service Requested” and “Address Service Requested.” One of these endorsements is required to be on all imprinted bulk mailings. If the endorsement is not on a bulk mailing being metered, Mail Services will stamp it with the “Address Service Requested” endorsement.

The exact meaning of that indicia is to indicate that the mailer is willing to pay for the cost of returning the undeliverable item. Unlike first class/priority/express mail, they don’t get automatic returns because they paid a lower rate, such as 3rd or 4th class mailing, when they mailed to their addressees. Sometimes it contains valuable samples.

There other standard indicia would be

“Address service requested” Then, if the item was forwarded because the recipient moved or the sender had a part of the address wrong and the carrier can correct it, the PO would send the sender the new or correct address.

It means that the sender of the article (typically either a business advertisement of some sort or an attempt to collect a debt) wants the Postal Service to send them a photocopy of the front of the envelope showing your name and address along with the sticker the Postal Service puts on the article showing your new address.

If the forwarding service is still active (i.e., it was changed within the last 12 months), the article will be forwarded to you, and the company that sent it will receive said photocopy. If your forwarding service is no longer active, the article will be returned to the sender with your new address, and they will pay the Post Office a nominal fee.

What does “in transit” mean for USPS?

Dr Seuss would probably develop the best way to explain “in transit.”

It could be in a plane.

It could be in a truck.

It could be in a warehouse.

It could be on a boat.

It could be misrouted.

It could have been damaged beyond recognition.

It could have been delivered to your neighbours, who will never admit to having stolen it.

It could be on its way if it survived a postal employee going postal or having it fall off their delivery bag.


  • Return Service Requested USPS meaning
  • Can I Write Return Service Requested” On Envelope
  • How Long Does Return Service Requested Take
  • Return Service Requested UPS
  • What Does It Mean When It Says Forwarding Service Requested
  • Return Service Requested Envelope Template
  • Return Service Requested IRS
  • Is Return Service Requested Free?

How do you request a return service through USPS?

You print fairly noticeably “return service “under the return address or above the mailing address. If there is one, it will keep it from being forwarded and returned with the new address. If this is a bulk mailing, you must pay to get it back. The first class is free. Please note people and high-speed machines do this. Hopefully, they will see it and return it.

I sent a package on July 17 2018, that has yet to be picked up. I was told the package would be returned to me. It was sent to David Ayo, 9600 Forest Lane apt.247, Dallas, Texas 75243…
Sent from Lynda McDonald (but addressed Billings) 1251 Moulin Madison Heights Michigan 48071.

What does Return Service Requested Mean in USPS?

The package was sent overnight, but it got there after some time. The tracking number then was EG766126601US. The recipient never received it.

I made a report. The report number given to me then was CAR76626932. To have it returned to me. I got an email saying it would be returned to me on 8 20, 2018. It never came back to my Madison Heights address. I checked the post office in Madison Heights, but they don’t have it. Madison Heights post office was where the overnight package was sent from. Their computer kept showing it was at the Dallas Post office, and they even made a second attempt to be delivered. I did not ask for a second attempt to be made.

What does “Electronic Service Requested” on mail indicate?

This endorsement electronically gives the sender the active forwarding address on file with USPS.
NOTE: If you receive a mailer with this endorsement and other endorsements for past residents – treat it like first-class mail – “NOT at this address”.
The endorsements consist of one keyword: “Electronic,” “Address,” “Return,” “Change,” or “Forwarding,” followed by the two words “Service Requested.”

What does “return service requested” mean in the mail?

It is only done for first-class mail, not advertising.

Address Service Requested provides forwarding and address correction services when possible. Suppose the mail is undeliverable and not forwardable. In that case, it is returned to the sender with the reason identified on the mailpiece. Return Service Requested provides address correction services and always returns the piece.

What does Return Service Requested Mean in USPS?