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How Can I Write An eBook If I Have No Spare Time?

Write An eBook

How Can I Write An eBook If I Have No Spare Time?

The top excuse internet entrepreneurs and bloggers give for not writing an eBook is that they don’t have the time. They are already too busy. But they understand the value that an eBook can bring to their business.

An eBook helps to establish you as an expert in your industry and once written, eBooks you sell online through your website can provide passive income for years to come.

How To Find The Time For Your eBook

Everybody has the same 24 hours in each day. OK, so you’ve heard that before. But, it’s true. Everyone is presented with the same amount of time every day, yet few people find a way to actually use it in a good way.

Begin by writing each time you have 10 or 15 minutes of free time. Many successful authors, of both eBooks and physical books, have done the same thing.

Stop making excuses and start writing, and the work you do those little chunks of time will gradually add up to a completed eBook you can sell online.

Get Rid Of Time Thieves

Time thieves are simply things you do when you want to waste time. It might be scrolling through your social media accounts or it watching rubbish programs on TV.

This doesn’t mean that you should never watch TV or erase all your social media accounts. It simply means that you should only do these things after you have completed writing a few paragraphs or even a chapter.

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Write An eBook
Write An eBook

Get Better At Time Management

Needless to say, just because you’re not wasting your time on nonsense doesn’t mean that you’ll write an eBook quickly. You’ll still need to learn how to effectively manage your time.

For instance, if you’re someone who works well under pressure, then you should leave less time for the most important tasks.

Even though this sounds counterproductive, it will actually help develop a habit of completing anything in a very short time period.

Find Pockets Of Time

Stop looking for huge blocks of time. Instead of trying to find an entire day to spend writing your eBook, find 15, 30 and 60-minute pockets of free time in your schedule.

Write on the train to and from work, in a cafe at lunchtime, and on notepaper when an idea comes into your mind. Write whenever you have a few minutes of free time.

Yes, it does take an effort to write an eBook. You have to research, write, edit and format it. But it uses your time wisely you can create something useful that you can sell over and over again.

The number one excuse for not writing an eBook is that people say they don’t have enough time. But even the busiest people have more than enough time over 365 days to write several eBooks, much less a single one!

The secret is to follow a proven system that has worked for others. To learn more about this proven system, download my free checklist on How To Write An eBook at Sqribble.

How Can I Write An eBook If I Have No Spare Time in 2021

  1. Choose a topic that matches your audience’s needs.
  2. Outline each chapter of your ebook.
  3. Break down each chapter as you write.
  4. Design your ebook.
  5. Use the right colors.
  6. Incorporate visuals.
  7. Highlight quotes or stats.
  8. Place appropriate calls-to-action within your ebook.

If you want to create an E-book fast or to consistently create content, one of the most important things to do every day is to create some kind of content.

If you want to be a professional writer, you have to treat writing as your job. This applies to write an E-book or having a popular blog or online business.

It does not matter if you are writing a book, publishing online, writing a blog, or setting up some type of coaching or subscription website. You need to produce steady material for your readers.

If you don’t produce this fresh content, they will go elsewhere. By the same reasoning, what you are writing needs to be good and have value.

A key point to keep in mind is that you are trying to solve a reader’s problem. If you can offer a solution to a reader the reader will continue to come back because they know they will get value from your writing.

The content you produce daily does not always have to be a very long piece of writing or work. It could be a video or audio recording you produce that is short.

Working on content daily doesn’t mean you have to immediately rush to publication. In fact, I would suggest that you do not rush to publication but rather produce content every day that can be edited and reworked as needed.

In this way, you can work on short pieces that have the same subject or the same theme and then cut them together into a much longer piece for an article or a book.

If you don’t have time to write a big piece, or you’re not feeling like it, you can always write an outline or notes that can be turned into something later.

How Can I Write An eBook

Here are the steps for how to publish an ebook:

  1. Write a strong book.
  2. Create an Amazon KDP account.
  3. Format your ebook for publishing.
  4. Upload your ebook to KDP.
  5. Choose your ebook to publish date.
  6. Build your book launch team.
  7. Create hype for your ebook.
  8. Publish your ebook!

Of about 200,000 authors selling ebooks on Amazon, only about 5,000 — less than 3% — consistently earn $10,000 a year or better, according to the website Author Earnings. More than half of those are traditionally-published authors. So, only around 1% of all the people self-publishing ebooks are making much money on it.

Ebooks can be life-changing. If you want a steady stream of side income or you’re eager to take the first big step in your career as a writerwriting an ebook is a great place to begin. Lots of writers (and would-be writers) recognize that, but have yet to get started on their own ebook.

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The key here is that you’re producing something every day and getting into the habit of doing it.

Producing quality work is the first step in becoming a professional writer or blogger. If you can learn the techniques and skills required you can be successful.

Readers and consumers are starved for good content. They want solutions to problems. If you can provide them solutions on a regular basis, they will be happy.

In fact, they will pay for the solutions. Of course, your content may not always be something you want to sell, s but rather a way to get your name or message out.

Another benefit to producing content daily is that the more you produce content of one form or another, the better you are at producing quality content.

It is not uncommon for someone who writes professionally to produce 5000 – 10000 good words of content a day.

It may seem like a lot when you were starting out, but there are many techniques a writer can use to increase their productivity.

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If you are serious about writing then you have to come up with an approach that works for you.

One approach I have found useful is to write a good title for the content you want to produce, Take some time with this step and make sure the title is specific and conveys what the content is really about.

For instance, a good title for a piece of content might be, “Creating Content Everyday” or “How to Increase Writing Productivity Ten-Fold”, while a title like “Writing More” or “Content Production” does not capture the key idea of the daily production of content.

Getting the title of a piece of content right is a key part of the content itself. The title should inform the writing process and enhance the writing itself. A poor title leaves the reader guessing what the content is about.

Once you have a good title–and you may end up modifying the title as you go along–you can mindmap or brainstorm some key points you want to get into your content.

Depending on how much time you have to devote to your content production session, your pre-work on mind mapping or brainstorming may only take a few minutes or could be a session in and of itself.

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Write An eBook
How Can I Write An eBook

How Can I Write An eBook If I Have No Spare Time

One key point to consider is how well you know the topic you will be writing about. If you know the topic well if it is something you have written about before, or are a true expert in, your planning session and outline may be bare bones and brief.

Also, what kind of content you are producing is a driver in how thorough your preparation will need to be. For instance, you may do less preparation for a 300-word blog post, than you will do for a video-course or book you are working on.

Finally, the more familiar you are with producing this particular type of content, the faster it will be. When you learn something new, you are always slower than when you have become an expert and have gone through the creation process numerous times.

To produce an E-book fast, you need a good title that clearly gives you and your reader a roadmap of what you are delivering. Then, make a solid outline that includes all the main points you are trying to get across.

Under each main point, place yourself in your reader’s position and think of all the possible questions they might have about the topic.

Then, systematically do some research and make notes on the answers to these questions. Finally, sit down with your outline and write a rough draft from start to finish.

Take a good break and then go back with fresh eyes and edit your work. Remember, most readers want a solution to a problem.

How Can I Write An eBook If I Have No Spare Time

A good E-book does not have to be lengthy or repetitive, it just needs to get the reader the information they are looking for.

If you would more information on creating content for e-books, blogs, courses, and online content, check here: Kindle Course

How Can I Write An eBook If I Have No Spare Time

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